


Animal Collectve - "Fall Be Kind EP"

.01 - Glaze
.02 - What Would I Want? Sky
.03 - Bleed
.04 - On A Highway
.05 - I Think I Can

**PS - i fixed it so you can right-click on the linkz & save as mp3s
**PPS - "what would i want? sky" is the mutha feckin JAM!


The new Beach House LP "Teen Dream" was leaked yesterday & you know I was on dat w/ the quickness! It's been playing non-stop in our apartment since I snagged it up. Yeah, it's the heat. This has actually been a hella good week for music, cause today the Animal Collective EP "Fall Be Kind" also got leaked. Speaking of AC, if you liked Merriweather Post Pavilion you will totally dig the newest offering. It's a seamless extension of the MPP style; once again they blend melodic vocals w/ their idiosyncratic brand of electronic psychedelia. Anyway, back to Beach House - I was fortunate enough to grab the album before it was taken off the web...so ima share it w/ you. BANG!

01. Zebra
02. Silver Soul
03. Norway
04. Walk in the Park
05. Used to Be
06. Lover of Mine
07. Better Times
08. 10 Mile Stereo
09. Real Love
10. Take Care

**PS - i fixed it so you can right-click on the linkz & save as mp3s



In nooooo particular order, we have Dill Vegas Volume 4...

Vega -- side project of Neon Indian, elctro-pop.
Surfer Blood -- reverb laden rocknroll coming straight from Flar-i-dah.
Hudson Mohawke -- break beat, dance.
Vampire Weekend -- new tune from the band we all love to hate. its about horchata, greatest drink EVER.
Karen O & the Kids -- the best song from "Where the Wild Things Are". emotive & comtemplative.
Kurt Vile -- one of my faves off his new album, "Childish Prodigy".
Cinnamon Chasers -- electronic/dance/house.
Taxi Taxi! -- 2 dames that craft amazing acoustic music w/ lovely harmonies. any suprise that theyre from Sweden?
Dam Funk -- like the name implies...its some dammm funk!
Royalchord -- solo artist from Melbourne, tropical/acoustic/electronic
The Amazing -- indie folk pop
Flaming Lips -- heavy spaced out jam from "Embryonic"
Air -- my fave off the new record "Love 2" (which actually wasn't that good)